Fast forward to now and my dear bloggy friend Kate has picked up the book and been blessed. She subtly has challenged me to begin again. So here I am, recording the gifts God has sent, watching for opportunities to be thankful. I must admit, I haven't been consistent this week, but what I have found I have treasured. Here's mine:
1. early morning snuggles with my Bethany
2. the delightful voices of my children playing together and getting along
3. spending one on one time just Yohn and I every day at our lunch break
4. my lifegroup
5. watching growth in others
6. feeling God's nudging and knowing that I need to spend time just He and I
7. my little boy's faith
8. my precious daughter's giving spirit
9. throwing away stuff and being okay with it
10. freecycle
11. my son's basketball coach who is instilling in the boys to push themselves and do their very best, always
12. being able to go right to God in the stressful moments of the day and admitting I can't do it on my own
13. praying for others
14. my husband's sweet letter he sent via e-mail, encouraging me and loving me
2. the delightful voices of my children playing together and getting along
3. spending one on one time just Yohn and I every day at our lunch break
4. my lifegroup
5. watching growth in others
6. feeling God's nudging and knowing that I need to spend time just He and I
7. my little boy's faith
8. my precious daughter's giving spirit
9. throwing away stuff and being okay with it
10. freecycle
11. my son's basketball coach who is instilling in the boys to push themselves and do their very best, always
12. being able to go right to God in the stressful moments of the day and admitting I can't do it on my own
13. praying for others
14. my husband's sweet letter he sent via e-mail, encouraging me and loving me
Next week, I'm gonna try to log them in daily as remembering really only comes from writing them down and appreciation flows when you can really see what's been done just for you. A gift, each and every one.
I encourage you to hop on over to my friend Kate's blog and leave her some encouragement this week. Also, Ann Voskamp will be posting her Gifts tomorrow for Multitude Monday. If you haven't read her book you could still check out her blog and see why I say READ THE BOOK!