Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me Monday

Okay so here's another blog carnival of which I think may be a lot of fun. It was started by MckMama out of her own desire to admit some of the more embarrassing uhhh...less desirable things that she did. After reading this post hop on over to her blog here and see what her and others like us have not been up to this week.

Okay mine are a little bit old (truth be told I have been "saving" them since June because with vacation and kids camp and then Stellan's illness there has not been an opportunity to share). So without further ado...

I most certainly did not ignore my daughter's insistance that her thumb was really hurt after she had gotten it caught in the fence because I thought she was trying to avoid picking up her toys. I also did not feel terrible the next morning when she woke up and her thumb looked like this:

See it all purple and swollen. Nope, not me, I'm a much better mamma than that!

I also did not spray the bees the remaining bees that did not leave with this swarm with a hose (there were only five or ten or fifteen) :

My husband did not hide in the house yelling out the door that I was going to get stung (but I really didn't).

When we borrowed a car from a friend who was fixing the breaks on our car, or daughter was not the one who had to explain to her daddy that if he pulled on the seatbelt slowly he could actually get it to work. Nope, not our five year old.

I also did not have to buy another SD card for my camera while on vacation because I had already taken about 400 pictures and we still had three days to go. I mean, who would take so many pictures anyways? NOT ME!

And who spent over an hour posting a tremendously long post about Discovery Kingdom, not me! Who also got very upset and resembled her seven year old playing video games he cannot beat because she was getting tired and accidentally erased some pictures she just posted, not me!

That's it for this week! Hope you enjoyed this post. If you haven't been up to anthing silly lately either then I highly recommend you head here and learn how to do your own Not Me Monday post. You'll be glad you did!


TheAtticGirl said...

LOL about the bees! Sounds like something I would try.

All My Monkeys said...

OMGosh. That swarm of bees gives me the creepy crawlies. You are SO much braver than I.

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...


Sonya said...

Thank you so much for the advice about the church nursery on my blog. I really appreciate it and I have been thinking about doing what you said (before you left a comment) so I think that is what I am going to do!

I hope your little ones thumb is ok. That looks like it hurt! And I get upset when I am writing a post and accidently delete pictures too!