1. watching Elisha's team and smiling at how much they have to learn
2. a nice evening at home with my family
3. my children's laughter
4. when my girl climbs up in my lap
5. writing down my gifts
6. Bethany's excitement over being invited to play the xylophone in the school Christmas program
9. friends
10. Elisha being excited about basketball practice
11. leading my lifegroup
12. feeling God's hand in my life
13. teasing my husband :)
14. listening to Bethany play the xylophone
15. snuggling under a blanket
16. whispering children who should be asleep
19. having time just Yohn and I
20. free pizza
21. joking and laughing with my husband
22. being able to watch Elisha's game
24. grocery shopping with my girl
25. laughing at her insistence she have red apples
26. laughing at the fact that she couldn't wait to get home to eat one and had the lady at the Starbucks wash it off for her
27. putting together a puzzle with her
28. chocolately smiles
That's a nice list :)
PS That cat doesn't look like he minds being mauled...LOL
It's great being thankful for those everyday moments.
The kitty looks like a baby tiger cub in that picture!
I love the picture of Elisha under the clean clothes...
Your kitten looks bigger then mine.. It must be the picture.
I love your list.
I never get tired of looking at pictures of sleeping children. And your kitten is so cute too :-)
Now how do you get them to fall asleep like that? lol Oh that looks like one happy kitty!
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