Thursday, January 10, 2013

December in Pictures ~ part 1

As usual, I'm a little behind on keeping up with family events. Here's a peek at December:

In our area there is the annual tradition of Santa parachuting into our little airport. We've never gone but always wanted to. This year we actually knew the date and had nothing going to stop us from seeing him. However, the weather had other ideas and Santa came in an emergency vehicle instead. We were a little disappointed but it was still fun to watch him come in such an unexpected way.

My children have never really believed in Santa, but they have fun visiting him every year. They said since we were already there we might as well get their annual picture taken too. My daughter is cracking herself up because the hotel that is nearest the airport is where Santa visits the children. Bethany asked Santa if she could be the owner of the hotel as her Christmas present. He thought that was pretty funny too!

We celebrated Yohn's birthday in December too!

The kids and I found this awesome Superman shirt on sale back in August while we were back to school shopping and had a hard time not giving it to him before his birthday. But we did and he loved it! This is the shirt he is wearing in our New Year's Day pictures.

Jewell was caroler in the opening of our church's Christmas play this year.

Elisha and friends watching the play. Can you tell I took T by surprise?

Gene played the part of Satan in the Christmas play.

Of course pictures had to be taken afterwards!

I found some delicious, completely simple Christmas goodie recipes on the internet this year and "pinned" them to do with the kids. They were happy to be able to do a lot of this themselves to give out to the people they love.


The Bug said...

I don't think I've ever seen Satan in a Christmas play before - but then again I haven't seen very many Christmas plays at all :)

LOVE that picture with Santa - it's really good of the two of them!

Anonymous said...

It's good to catch up with everyone. Looks like you all had a nice Christmas :)