Saturday, March 13, 2010

Six Word Saturday

My six words for this week are:

I haven't posted in a week!

It's been one of those busy sort of weeks too. The ones that make you wonder how you can get everything done. Saturday the kids had games, then a birthday party immediately following. I mean immediately, as in, we were a half an hour late because of the games. Oh well, they still had fun, but we were exhausted already. Then Sunday we had a special speaker at church and my normal buddy who helps me in The Source (the bookstore) was sick with pnuemonia so I was flying solo for most of it. We had one volunteer, but she had to go early. Ah well, I know what I'm doing even when it's chaos.

Elisha also had another birthday party to go to on Sunday afternoon for one of his teammates. The coach was hoping it would give the boys a good chance to get to know each other. But it was at Chuck E Cheese and they basically all went in their own directions. So much for that idea!

We had conferences at church on Sunday and Monday (hence the special speaker I spoke of above). Thankfully the kids did not have a practice on Monday night, yay! But they did have a practice scheduled every other day - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Crazy, but true.

Elisha pulled something in his neck Wednesday morning while reaching to push down the footrest on the couch. He started crying and ended up holding his neck in an odd position all day so every time I saw him I was grimacing. We called one of our pastors, who happens to be a chiropractor and he told us to ice it for the first 48 hours. He was doing much better by Thursday afternoon but we still skipped his practice to avoid aggravating it more.

It rained Friday, so no practice for Bethany, so we got two nights freed up! It was nice. We spent family time and I caught up on my blog reading. Oh how I love blog reading.

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Yohn was playing on his blog and couldn't find the follow button for one of his friends. He was getting frustrated and talking out loud. He said, "Man! I want to follow Tyler! How do I follow him?"

To which Elisha admonished him saying, "Daddy! Follow Jesus, not Tyler!"

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This girl cracks me up!

Gotta love birthday party novelties!

When she was playing this game you could hear her shouting (well not too far away since we were at a bowling alley) "Ha! I beat those suckers! They can't pass me!" Suckers? Where did that come from?!


Amanda said...

LOL That picture is hilarious!! And hope your little man is all healed up!


Anonymous said...

I've missed your posts, but after hearing about your week, I understand why you've been MIA. I'm glad you did SWS, it's fun and usually draws traffic to a blog. May you have a calmer week...Kathy

Michelle said...

Ha! That Bethany! And Elisha too! :) Such funny little people you have.

I've kept checking your blog this week to make sure I didn't miss anything. Glad your back!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh neck pain is the worst. HOpe all is better now. Too funny about the game. My son says Peace out suckers because he heard it on Sonny with a chance. Kids say the darndest things:)
Super cute picture with the party favor on:)

christy rose said...

What a great post!! I love Elisha's comment!! "Follow Jesus" That is great advice for everyone. :) and that picture of Bethany cracked me up!! She is so cute! and her comment playing that game is so funny! what a great couple of kids you have!!!!